Sana Iqpal
Sana is a Commonwhealth Split-Site scholar. She completed MS from Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS), Pakistan. During her MS reserach she synthesized and fully characterized a library of potential anti-cancer molecules, and then joined Dr. Basit Yameen's lab to work on polythiophene-based donor-acceptor systems for solar energy harvesting applications. During a year in Fruk lab she is developing conductive polymers containing flavin and porphyrin moeities for applications in photocatalysis.
Currently, I am a visiting research scholar at Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology (CEB) University of Cambridge on a Commonwealth Split-Site scholarship in Fruk group, deploying the side chain engineered semiconductor polymers and their hybrids for the fabrication of photocatalysts.
1. Iqbal, S., Khan, A.A., Butt, N.Z., Ashraf, R.S. and Yameen, B., 2023. All organic double cable polymers of a polythiophene donor with rhodanine and perylene diimide acceptors and evaluation of photocurrent generation. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 11(45), pp.16037-16048.
2. Iqbal, S., Firdous, F., Furqan, M., Bilal, A., Fozail, S., Pohl, S.Ö.G., Doleschall, N.J., Myant, K.B., Singh, U., Emwas, A.H. and Jaremko, M., 2024. Synthesis and characterization of bis-amide SSE1917 as a microtubule-stabilizing anticancer agent. Bioorganic Chemistry, 143, p.107094.