Chitra Yadav
Research Technician
Chitra holds a Bachelor's degree in Biotechnology from Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University and a Master's degree in Radiation Oncology from the University of Oxford. She worked with Beydest Pvt. Ltd. on the efficiency of Sphagnum in the reduction of suspended particulate matter which was further used in technologies to tackle the AQI. She also worked as a Research Assistant at the University of Oxford where she studied the role of transcription factors in DNA damage and repair pathways in various cancer cell lines. Her current research involves developing the 3D culture models of Pancreatic cancers and studying the efficiency of nano-vehicles in 2D and 3D models of hard-to-treat cancers.
Selected Publications
- Kaustubh Tripathi, Lavi Jain, Chitra Yadav, Sandeep Sirohi (2021). Nanoparticle Synthesis and Assessment of Toxicological Effects on Drosophila Melanogaster, Journal of Nanoscience Nanoengineering and Applications Vol 11, No 3.
- Sirohi, S., Kumar, S., Yadav, C., Banerjee, D., Yadav, P. (2020). Sphagnum: a promising indoor air purifier. Journal of Environmental Engineering and 6 / 7 Science, 1-8.
- Yadav, C., Sanobar, A., Sirohi, S., Kumar, S. (2020). A Study on the pathology of Schizophrenia, SSRN 3675480.
- Sirohi, S., Yadav, C., Banerjee, D. (2019). Biofuel from Bryophyta as an Alternative Fuel for Future. Nature Environment and Pollution Technology, 18(3), 889-895.